Our error (see first posting in this thread) occurs when /web/acspg/bin/aolserver-errors.pl is called by /web/acspg/tcl/watchdog-defs.tcl. We inserted several "exec echo..." statements to verify that the tcl script passes the correct arguments, the perl script parses the error file correctly, and passes back the expected result -- and then the server logs the mysterious new error in the server log. Ironically, the only error in the whole system (so far) is this one due to the error-reporting subsystem.
The nsadmin user can successfully execute the aolserver-errors.pl script from the command line. Substituting simple Hello-World perl or sh scripts for aolserver-errors.pl cause the same error as the original.
What's happening? Is there some environment setting for aolserver that we have missed? For now we have just set the error-monitoring interval to once a day instead of every 15 minutes. But that does not solve the problem with "exec anything.pl" or "exec anything.sh".