Yet another question brought on by trying to write unit tests for code. I need to be site admin to run my unit tests. But in my tests, I want to be able to switch between users. I recall there is a way to do this in the UI somewhere.
But when I tried
ad_user_login $aat_user1
I got logged out as site admin of course and then acs-automated-testing booted me! And then I got sent to the "Security Violation: You don't have permission to read" page. Ok I can handle that. But what's weird is I then got that same Security Violation page for ANY page in the site that I attempted to go to from within the browser. In any other browser I started, I could access the homepage to login again. Not so where I had run the acs-automated-testing unit test that switched users. Is this expected/desired behavior for some reason?
Anyway, what is the preferred way to switch from admin user temporarily during unit tests?