Mista Gomez you are right... one shouldn't mess with the db for time issues 😊
I found out about a convenient way to calculate i.e. the 4 Monday of this or next month:
set datenow [clock scan now]
set first_day_of_month [clock scan [clock format $datenow -format %Y]-[clock format $datenow -format %m]-01]
set first_day_of_month_fmt [clock format $first_day_of_month -format "%Y-%m-%d"]
set first_day_of_next_month [clock scan "1 month" -base [clock scan $first_day_of_month_fmt]]
set first_day_of_next_month_fmt [clock format $first_day_of_next_month -format "%Y-%m-%d"]
set n_day_of_n_week_of_month [clock scan "Monday 3 Week" -base [clock scan "$first_day_of_month_fmt"]]
set n_day_of_n_week_of_month_fmt [clock format $n_day_of_n_week_of_month -format "%Y-%m-%d"]
set n_day_of_n_week_of_next_month [clock scan "Monday 3 Week" -base [clock scan "$first_day_of_next_month_fmt"]]
set n_day_of_n_week_of_next_month_fmt [clock format $n_day_of_n_week_of_next_month -format "%Y-%m-%d"]