There are 4 occurances of ns_ora in /admin/custom-sections. Of course they cause errors. In add-pages-2.tcl, line 49 reads
ns_ora clob_dml $db "
insert into content_files
(content_file_id, section_id, file_name, file_type, page_pretty_name, body, html_p)
($content_file_id, $section_id, '$QQfile_name', 'text/html', '$QQpage_pretty_name', empty_clob(), '$QQhtml_p')
returning body
into :1" $body
We changed it to
ns_db dml $db "
insert into content_files
(content_file_id, section_id, file_name, file_type, page_pretty_name, body, html_p)
($content_file_id, $section_id, '$QQfile_name', 'text/html', '$QQpage_pretty_name', '$body', '$QQhtml_p')"
Is this module not yet ported? Did we fix it correctly?