Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Forums + Attachments in dotlrn 2.0 broken

Posted by Nick Carroll on
The function fs::simple_get_type_pretty_name is available in file-storage version 4 in the tcl file fs-simple-procs.tcl.  However this file does not exist in version 5.  Is there a reason why this file was removed from 5.0?
Posted by Nick Carroll on
Copied fs-simple-procs.tcl and xql files from  For some reason they have been placed in the Attic since pre-i18n.

Anyway, I can now attach URLs to forum postings.

Anybody know why the fs-simple-procs files were left out of OpenACS 5.0.0?

Posted by Nick Carroll on
This was the note made when the fs-simple-procs files were removed from the repository.  It seems the problem is an attachments package problem, as it uses a tcl function that no longer exists.

Thu Mar 20 22:13:59 2003 UTC (9 months ago) by donb
Branch: oacs-4-6
Changes since 1.4: +1 -1 lines
Removed the vile fs_simple_objects added by OF to store URLs in file
storage despite the existence of a non-versioned URL type in the content
repository.  Upgrade scripts provided.  I added Tcl API to the content
repository to honor our desire to export the SQL API to Tcl client code.

1. folder contents are now counted correctly (bug fix)
2. The fs_objects view is now usable in PG (it was a UNION view before and
  therefore didn't scale)
3. Code in file storage is considerably simpler now and all file storage
  objects are now stored in the content repository, as they should

The Oracle version may need some work I'll finish testing this afternoon.

Posted by Nick Carroll on
Final solution is to replace attachments/www/simple-add.tcl with file-storage/www/simple-add.tcl.