Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: error while installing developer support service

Posted by Matthew Smith on
Trying it his way times out. I think it is because of the firewall. Could something else be causing this?

Is there any other way to do this?

Thank you.

Posted by Derick Leony on
Ok, then you could try this (which is actually what the "Install" page does):
1. Download the APM file (which is just a tgz) from

2. Extract the content (tar -xvzf acs-developer-support-5.2.0d1.apm). Copy or move this folder into your-instance-root-folder/packages

3. Now you can go to http://yourinstance/acs-admin/apm and install the package.

Posted by Matthew Smith on
Thank you, Derick.

I downloaded and extracted the file to the packages directory, then went into install software, install from local, and selected acs-developer-support. It installed very quickly(less than one second). I clicked to restart the server but it will not come back up. Any idea what I should do? I have shell access to the box but do not know what commands will restart the service.

Posted by Derick Leony on
Yeah, the "restart server" just stops it and expects that you have set up a daemon so it'd start AOLserver after it goes down.

To start the service, you can do this:
/usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/nsd -u www-data -g www-data -t /var/www/openacs/etc/config.tcl

Change it to match your AOLserver bin path, user, group and OpenACS root path.

If you want to check the daemon details, you can find the explanation at

Posted by Matthew Smith on
I tried doing as you suggested with what I think are the proper directories:

/var/lib/aolserver/dodss-cleat/bin/nsd -u smith -g web -t /var/lib/aolserver/dodss-cleat/etc/config.tcl

But got:
-bash: /var/lib/aolserver/dodss-cleat/bin/nsd: No such file or directory

There are multiple instances of open acs on the server, would that make a difference?

Posted by Derick Leony on
No, nsd is not at OpenACS' bin path but AOLserver's. It might be somewhere like /usr/lib/aolserver4/bin/nsd or /usr/local/lib/aolserver4/bin/nsd.

If there are other instances running, you can do a "ps aufx" to see how they were started.

Posted by Matthew Smith on
There is no bin directory under aolserver.


Where else should I look?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm just not familiar with the directory structure...

Posted by Matthew Smith on
I tried the ps aufx command which gave me a ton of stuff I didn't understand, but I did find an entry that might be relevant. So I tried:
/usr/local/aolserver4/bin/nsd -u smith -g web -t /var/lib/aolserver/dodss-cleat/etc/config.tcl

Which gave me:
[15/May/2008:11:30:06][1593.3086657216][-main-] Notice: nsd.tcl: starting to read config file...
[15/May/2008:11:30:06][1593.3086657216][-main-] Notice: nsd.tcl: using threadsafe tcl: 1
[15/May/2008:11:30:06][1593.3086657216][-main-] Notice: nsd.tcl: finished reading config file.
[15/May/2008:11:30:06][1593.3086657216][-main-] Fatal: nsmain: chdir(/usr/lib/aolserver4) failed: 'No such file or directory'

Site is still not up.

Posted by Derick Leony on
It might be easier to explain on irc (#openacs @ and better for the forum. If you can't access it due to firewall restrictions, try any web based client like or such.
Posted by Matthew Smith on
I am on irc now. Thank you.