I'll package this up and send it to ya. I can't claim I developed it as most of it came from Deds Castillo's Classified Ads package that I got a copy of. I just pulled it out of the Ads package and threw together a package that only had the CMS and FORMS related stuff in it, in a more generic format. I have to mention that I have altered my base OACS code in some minor ways and you might run into that (added optional parameters to some template::form procs so I wouldn't have to have to do things like check if a form element existed for every element when inserting/updating a form in the db). I really should clean that up and I mean to try to take a look at those cases and keep my OACS base code more compatible with the "real" base... some day...
In the meantime, I'll send ya a tar of the package. I'm on OACS 4.6.1 btw.