I was going to suggost Dave to download the ArsDigita ptched version of AOLserver (arsdigita.com/download) since it has the patched adp.c to Karl's DPS.
"One thing I do not understand is that even in this OpenACS 3.2.2 "final" release, there's tons of non-ported code.
When I grep for ".nextval" or "sysdate" across OpenACS 3.2.2 there are a large number of hits. I've had to change"
The sysdate and nextval hits don't mean that it hasn't been ported. Pay closer attention and you'll notice that you'll find these in modules that work just fine (e.g. classifieds). How? We added functions and other PG gizmos to eaese porting. Look at postgres.sql.
But there are things that could be fixed or enhanced. Unlike ACS classic of little time ago, the OpenACS project has been wide open from start. The community needs to send patches, bug fixes and feature requests if they want an even more butt-kicking free toolkit.
This will be even more true when 3.4 comes out (if we decide not to port 3.4) because the porting effort will be nothing small.