Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to openACS/ACS hosting options--Any ISP's?

Posted by Don Baccus on
Furfly's slowly getting ramped up to provide OpenACS hosting.  As a lesson to the unwary and/or overly trusting Dell fan, their Linux-based server didn't come with sources for the Adaptec RAID controller Dell includes.  And the included binaries didn't link with kernels re-compiled from the kernel sources provided (re-compiling the  kernel being one of the favorite first steps taken by folks running Oracle under Linux).

A bunch of other gotchas cropped up when they moved their operation from Exodus in SoCal to Exodus in Waltham, MA.

So things have taken longer than first predicted.  They've gotten stuff ironed out, now, though.  Unfortunately, firing up a server, installing and configuring software, etc a new service like OpenACS hosting has necessarily taken a back seat to getting existing customer  sites up and running, and new servers up and running for a couple of client sites furfly's been working on this spring/summer.