I just tried upgrading my site from 4.6.4ish to 5.0.0 using DaveB's instructions and it worked. AOLserver4, PG 7.4. I had a couple minor stumbling blocks:
- the acs-kernel 4.6.5-4.6.6 upgrade script gave 2 errors which seem unimportant:
ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "users_pk"
ERROR: relation "admin_rels" already exists
- the acs-kernel upgrade 5d7 to 5d9 script gave me a couple errors because it couldn't drop 2 tables. Moving the 2 'drop table' commands to the end of the file fixed that.
- The first time I tried to login, the login form bombed with the error: "can't read 'defaults': no such variable" inside template::form::create. Restarting the server again mysteriously solved the problem.
- Upgrade failed for static-pages (can't insert duplicate key into apm_package_versions) and acs_messaging (couldn't find a function acs_message__new to drop). I didn't look into fixing the static-pages error, but commenting out the 'drop function' in acs-messaging's upgrade 4.62-4.63 script allowed it to upgrade. Looking further, I think my site was at acs-messaging version 4.6.3 in the DB, but the .info file reported 4.5, thus causing this error.
I haven't tested things in detail, but the upgrade process seemed to work for me. I actually did the upgrade process in full twice.
I also note that I didn't need to load the postgresql.sql file. pg_dump seems to be fixed, at least in 7.4.