Forum OpenACS Development: Re: 5.0 upgrade process requires Tcl Calls

Posted by Vinod Kurup on
Sorry to flood this thread, but found another one. Running the auth_driver_get_param_values test (in acs-authentication) fails with this error:
ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint "auth_driver_params_authority_id_key"
            insert into auth_driver_params (authority_id, impl_id, key, value)
            values ('12797', '12891', 'SnapshotURL', '0639DC91D')
My auth_driver_params table has a unique constraint on (authority_id, impl_id) whereas the version in 5.0 has a pk constraint on (authority_id, impl_id, key). The change is here. I only discovered this error by running the automated test - the system works fine otherwise.

I think this change happened between 5.0d4 and 5.0d5, but there's no upgrade script with that name. Here's the change that needs to be made:

alter table auth_driver_params drop constraint auth_driver_params_authority_id_key;
alter table auth_driver_params add constraint auth_driver_params_pk primary key (authority_id,impl_id,key)
Is it OK for me to create an upgrade-5.0d4-5.0d5 script?