Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: BIbliography Package

10: Re: BIbliography Package (response to 1)
Posted by Nima Mazloumi on
One suggestion:

Since many sources are available online it would be great if the bibliography could be linked to the source to allow full text search and annotation.

I wrote a library in java using lucene that accepts a url or a file from local disk and does two things

1) make a copy of the source file for later use in case the link is broken in future

2) extracts the text and store it in a database for full text search (supporting ps, pdf, doc, html, txt) to return a rated hit list containing the relevant paragraphs of the source and a bibtex export feature (not finished yet).

This would be a very handy feature for your package.

A very powerful site is you might know. But as far as I understood it searches only abstracts and keywords but serves the original file as well.
