I need to delete a form created with ATS FormBuilder procs. Basically, I'm programmatically creating the same form, filling it in and submitting it in a loop (testing). But I get overlap (in elements that have been created in previous forms in the loop) since the form has the same name. I could create a differently named form each time through the loop. But having all those forms in memory is not really necessary.
Here's the error I get when the loop runs for the 2nd time (creating the 2nd form), for example:
Error during execution: Setup failed with error Element 'cr_revision_id' already exists in form 'my_form'.
I need something like a template::form::delete
... would it be ok to just do something like template::form::exists
only unset
the elements
instead of check for their existence? Seems unset
would only unset the elements
variable itself and is that enough to pseudo-delete the form?!