Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to ArsDigita/OpenACS meeting summary

Posted by Talli Somekh on
well, guys, it seems that there's a commonality among us
following the openacs development!

a few friends and i are starting a consulting group expressly to
help non-profits build effective web presences, intra and inter.
we believe that the acs is the software suite to use, because of
it's technical excellence and because of it's commitment to OSS.
OpenACS is a HUGE and probably complete step to where we
can provide np's with solutions they love - low-cost, stable and

what i would like to propose is that within the openacs
community we develop another community of people dedicated
to providing these resources to non-profits.  i would volunteer
dev space and organizational backbone if there is interest.
please continue this line, email me personally, or let's start
another thread.  seems there are a lot of people out there with
similar ideas, so let's organize!!!
