well, after browsing a bunch of docs, a bunch of helpful pages, a ton of source code, I've come across something I just cannot figure out and I'm at a total loss. I have 99% of things working the way I want, except, for setting the radio button's 'selected' value.
{options {{3 3} {4 4} {5 5} {6 6} {7 7} {8 8} {9 9} {10 10} {11 11} {12 12}}}
{value 4}
This works fine when I use <formtemplate id="form"></formtemplate>
however, that doesn't give me the display I am looking for, so I've opted to define the entire form myself.
<formwidget id="requiredhits">
If I use that, it creates 1 radio button with a value of 4, but no other radio buttons.
I've tried other incarnations, i.e.
<formwidget id="requiredhits:4">
or id="form:element:requiredhits:4" and a few others, but that doesn't do it.
<formwidget id="requiredhits" value="5">
returns a rendered page that has two value statements -- which of course doesn't work properly.
I've tried looking for extra parameters in the source, but honestly, cannot figure out what that piece of the code is doing.
I've also tried hacking things together with adp and <if>, to no real avail.
I know I'm probably missing something very obvious -- can someone point me in the right direction?