Forum OpenACS Q&A: OpenACS 5.0.0 and packages in the repository

  • Lars fixed a bug in the repository generator which was corrupting the manifest.xml and we updated the repository. Installing from a 5.0 server now correctly sees acs-mail-lite and acs-developer-tools, which should fix a lot of package
  • We removed from the repository several packages with broken dependencies (mostly on acs-content), including cms, cms-news-demo, glossary, site-wide-search, and spam. They are all still in /packages/contrib, but they cannot be installed from the repository so there's no point in showing them there.
  • Library had a lot of broken dependencies and we moved it to /contrib/obsolete as well as excluding it from the repository. We used the recommended cvs methods. If you run cvs up -P on your HEAD checkout, it will disappear from /packages/contrib/library and reappear (with history intact) in its new home. However, cvs up -r openacs-5-0-0-final will still get it at the original location, since it's associated with that tag, and it may still be in oacs-5-0 as well.
  • Curriculum still has an install error, even after the repository fix.
  • Webmail installs but has an error if you try to use it.
Posted by Ola Hansson on
As for the problem with installing Curriculum remotely it seems to be gone, actually.

I deleted everything under packages/, went up one level to the openacs top level dir and issued "cvs up -dP -r openacs-5-0-0-final 2> cvs-errors". After reinstalling the core I went to /acs-admin/install/, clicked "install new application from repository", chose "install" behind Curriculum. On the next page the dependencies were shown with correct version numbers and all ... The curriculum installation from the remote repository was successful this time AFAICT.

(If someone can verify that it works for them too that would be excellent.)

I also noticed that backup directories were created for the packages that were replaced by the ones remotely fetched - very nice indeed!

(Also, for the record, this subject was briefly discussed here: )

Posted by Ola Hansson on
Joel has verified that it works on one of his test servers and  closed bug #1414.
