Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Problems with moving db to another machine

Posted by Don Baccus on
The pseudo-blobs used by OpenACS are fully dumpable, I've moved dumps from machine-to-machine with no problem.  They aren't actual PG large objects.

One problem with your #2 scenario is that you're expecting the dump to  equal what was input from the datamodel, while what's dumped is actually a reflection of what PG did to your datamodel.  Views, for instance, are implemented as a subset of the generalized rules system,  so won't show up as "views" but rather the rules generated in order to implement the semantics of an SQL view.  Likewise contraints will be dumped in a canonical form, etc.

So don't let this difference throw you.

Since you could log in, obviously much of the database got moved over correctly, and if you got no errors using psql -e then it all did.

What kind of error did your server log show trying to access the employee page?  If there was an explicit reference to type BLOB then you probably just ran across an unported page in OpenACS, i.e. a bug, unrelated to moving the database.

If it indeed is an OpenACS pseudo-blob remember that they need to be spooled to disk and that AOLserver needs to be able to write to /tmp (which it should be able to do).  Check your logfile for the exact error that's being generated and we can help you better.