Ok, the new version 3.2.4 will be here "real soon now". Great!
I've made a number of changes to a number of tcl files
in my operational 3.2.2 system, mostly in the /www directory and a
few files in /tcl directory and of course nsd.tcl and server1.ini.
Also, I've made sql changes to the pg database
which is version 7.0.
What are the best strategies for upgrading?
This is a production system.
Can I just copy whole branches, say /tcl minus my
changed files, and then manually paste my changes into the new
file versions?
How about modules like /bboard? Will it just run
fine if copied, assuming that the /tcl direcory is
upgraded? Are there other dependencies that I'm missing?
Other modules...considerations?
Do some people copy files from the CVS?
I haven't done this and I'm concerned about dependencies...
What's the big picture here?
What about the database? Are there any table/view/... changes
in version 3.2.4 that are new since 3.2.2?
Ideally I should have a development system that mirrors
the production system. If so, how are people using
production and development systems. Are you copying the
production data and restoring it to the development system.
It seems like this would also be a good backup strategy.
Ideas Please!
TIA -Bob