Hey Ernie!
thanks for all your work... now we would like to play with it really soon!
About digital repositories, that something worth to have, since what is the sense of packaging everything SCORM compliant if at the end the professors / students can't search for the SCOs? ... so I say go for it ;o)
At E-LANE we can offer intesive testing and bug fixing on all your new packages, since we plan to run the first SCORM / IMS compliant courses probably in April04 and go with more of them in the next months after that.
Also, if you need help (human resources) on the development of what still is left for SCORM and the digital repositories, we can offer also that, just coordinate, specially on the SCORM side since is a must for our project.
In the other hand, at Galileo we plan to integrate in some way Dspace with .LRN, I have a couple of people looking at the preliminary stuff, so we might come with some ideas in the next weeks and start a new thread, this is something that we definitevely will work on.