Forum OpenACS Development: Re: FYI: My Vision and priorities for OpenACS

Posted by Ola Hansson on

This seems like a highly worthwhile journey, indeed. (When does it begin?)

I'm not going to comment on your plan/vision more than saying I agree a hundred percent but I'd like to add one thing that I think you'll agree is rather important as well ... Namely, "personalization". It is important IMO to have parameters that can be set per package instance (like we have today) but also per package key and, not least, individual user settings.

I'm sure there may be more paths we'll want to persue, as well - this is just one example that came to mind.


Posted by Lars Pind on
Actually, one important piece I forgot to mention is "social software" features, like network of people, searching through your network's objects and friends, etc. All part of the groupware umbrella, though.
