A few things:
<blockquote> this would mean that the project-manager is integrated
with logger which is integrated with your calendar
This is a very high priority for me. Lars, let's talk about how to best do this.
I think one of the biggest barriers to getting OpenACS into more people's hands in the installation. It has improved A LOT in the last year or so, but it would be really great if someone could step forward and commit to doing Debian packages, or an install script, or something. Or a series of scripts.
And then we should advertise our existence on places like FreshMeat as well.
Anyway, this is just something that I'd like to see happen. I don't really have the resources to do it myself, and unfortunately, I think a lot of us are in that boat. But if we did, it would make a big difference for the community. It might be more important than anything else we're doing, actually.