I was able to have aolserver with the default nsd.tcl works, but when
I replace it with the sample nsd.tcl provided by OpenACS and after
configuring it as indicated would not have aolserver installed.
I have tried everything but nothing works. The funny think is that it
would not produce any errors at all:
as aoladmin I issue:
./bin/nsd -kt nsd.tcl
[aoladmin@portal /aolserver]$
[02/Sep/2000:01:15:47][2253.1024][-t1024-] Notice:
nsd.tcl: starting to read config file...
[02/Sep/2000:01:15:47][2253.1024][-t1024-] Warning: nsd.tcl: nsssl not
loaded because key/cert files do not exist.
[02/Sep/2000:01:15:47][2253.1024][-t1024-] Notice: nsd.tcl: finished
reading config file.
ps -aux | grep nsd
Produces nothing
so were did I go wrong?