Forum OpenACS Q&A: Internal AOLServer Driver for Interbase v6

For my own enjoyment I am in the middle of writing an Internal
AOLServer Driver for Interbase v6.  The first platform will be
Windows, but I hope the driver will port to Linux with very little
additional effort.

Particular areas I hope to address include:

* Performance

* Thread safety

* Error handling

* Support for the Interbase v6 datatypes (DATE + TIME)

* Support for Interbase v6 dialects

* Support for different character sets

* Stored procedures

* Blobs

* Test scripts

* ADP examples

* Documentation

It is currently going well, and I expect an early beta to be available
by the end of September.


Posted by Adam Farkas on
Before we get too much duplication of effort on the InterBase front, you might want to e-mail sebastian (, who has also been working full-time on an InterBase driver. Perhaps attacking this problem from multiple points will help. thx
I'm improving existing external driver - so far I managed to implement
parametrized queries, BLOB support and v6 datatypes (DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, 64-bit integers).  I'm not sure whether it should support pre-v6 SQL dialects, though.  My current reasoning is that we should move on with open-source releases (and that means 6.0 and later) ...

I'll put it public very soon, after I wrap things up.

Feel free to email me directly (or just post here) if you have some
suggestions/comments/questions/answers ...

Having choice between internal and external driver seems very cool 😊

Posted by Rajaram K on
I have a job to migrate from Interbase v7.1 to v6.0 for reasons best known, in my project. Can you let me know the limitations/bottlenecks likely to be encountered in this ? I would appreciate a lot if you can mail your reply to

Thanks a lot