Forum OpenACS Q&A: OACS 5 "Connection: close" problems

Posted by James Harris on
I'm having problems with an OACS5 installation giving "Connection: close" errors in response to any page requests.  Initially the errors began when I mistakenly changed the kernel ForceHostP parameter to something other than 1 or 0, but that seemed to be fixed via a psql update.  At least at that stage I was getting errors written to error.log

Now I am getting the same error but no errors are being written to the error log.  OACS is writing to the log all the time and seems to be running properly in the background but for some reason isn't actually serving any data.

Any ideas?  Could there be a problem with AOLServer?

Thanks,  James

Posted by James Harris on
Just to add to my earlier message.  I've tried recompiling AOLserver and testing it with the sample-config.tcl which works fine.  I also tried dumping the DB and reimporting it in case there was any corruption, but that didn't help either.

Now I'm stuck for ideas!

Posted by Jade Rubick on
This might be an Aolserver issue. Are you using Aolserver 4? I think you might need 4.02 if so.
Posted by James Harris on
Nope, AOLserver 3.3oacs1.
Posted by James Harris on
It's also been working well for a week or so until I messed with the ForceHostP parameter last night.  I've compared the apm_parameters table with the same table on a fresh installation and they appear identical.  I can't think of anything else that has changed between the time when the installation worked and now.

hotham=# select * from apm_parameters where parameter_name = 'ForceHostP';
29 | acs-kernel  | ForceHostP    | if a user provides a Host header which isn't this, redirect the user to this particular host. e.g., if and                           point to the same IP, set this to 1 so cookies will be properly set. | request-processor | string  | 0            |            1 |            1

6: Problem solved (response to 1)
Posted by James Harris on
I replaced my customised files in /var/lib/aolserver/service_name/www with originals from the OACS tarball and it fixed things (other than killing all my customisation).  No idea why though.