Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Error: nsd.tcl: Invalid command name "ns_getform"

Yes, upgrading in the future had crossed my mind, thanks for keeping me on track.

I have added a line to the nsd.tcl

   ns_param sharedlibrary "/usr/local/AOLserver/modules/tcl"
this does indeed allow me to keep the shared procs where they should be. It was previously looking for:
see how
should be reading

It stikes me that there is something fundamentally wrong with my setup!

1. I have to stray from the sample nsd.tcl file by explicitly specifying the sharedlibrary.

2. I have had a problem with the location of the access.log location. Errors occured because the directory

did not exist, so I created it and access.log has been writting to there since. Not standard.

See how

should be reading
I've double checked the nsd.tcl file since it is here that these paths should be getting initiated. I will try a fresh install, from the begining this afternoon...