Has anyone experience using PDF forms to store data in an OpenACS web site?
A PDF Form is a pdf document containg form elements. The Acrobat Reader saves the data a Forms Data Format (FDF) file and can send this to a URL (e.g. a cgi script). Some background info on PDF forms and processing http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/27f9a.htm.
To create PDF forms you need Adobe Acrobat but maybe there are other ways.
It would be interesting to have a .tcl script that can process data sent with a PDF form. You can then offer your users different (off line) ways of filling a form (e.g. a survey): they can enter the data in the PDF save it and send it back, print it, fax it and more important submit it to your site.
I already asked at #openacs (see https://openacs.org/irc/log/ of 2004-02-12 ) and got some good feedback