I still havn't solved this one.
I've made the file -rw-rw-r-- and I've added nsadmin
to the mail group and when I telnet in as the nsadmin user
I can (even) edit the file. If I remove nsadmin from the mail
group, I can't edit or read...correct as expected.
But, through aolserver which I assume
is an NSADMIN user from ps:
...nsd76 -it .../nsd.tcl -u nsadmin -g nsadmin
I killed nsd76 so it would restart yet I get the same result
in this tcl file:
if ** file owned /var/lib/majordomo/lists/teamlist **...
ns_log Notice "File IS NOT owned (EXPECTED)
if **file readable /var/lib/majordomo/lists/teamlist **...
ns_log Notice "File IS NOT readable (NOT EXPECTED)
set member_file **(open /var/lib/majordomo/lists/members RDONLY )**
RESULT from Log:
Error: nsd.tcl: couldn't open "/var/lib/majordomo/lists/teamlist": permission denied
couldn't open "/var/lib/majordomo/lists/teamlist": permission denied
while executing
"open /var/lib/majordomo/lists/members RDONLY"
I even put nsadmin in the root group because
the var & lib directories are root root and perhaps they couldn't
be accessed. Yes I know this isn't safe
but temporarily for testing....
So WHY the permission denied?
TIA -Bob
** square & curlies removed for this message