Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Running OpenACS & ACS on same machine

Posted by Mike Slack on
Here is the other config file:

# nsd.tcl 
# Parameters for Aolserver/ACS & OpenACS
# Mike Slack (

# This file should not need editing, but should be called from "service_name.tcl"

if { [string equal $database_type "ora8"] } {
    set service_database_datasource ""
    set database_driver             "${aol_home}/bin/"
} elseif { [string equal $database_type "postgres"] } {
    set service_database_datasource "localhost:5432:${service_short_name}"
    set database_driver             "${aol_home}/bin/"

# Starting

ns_log notice                   "nsd.tcl: starting to read config file..."

# Should not need to edit (much) below here for different services

# General parameters

ns_section "ns/parameters"
ns_param User                   "nsadmin"
ns_param ServerLog              "${aol_home}/log/${service_short_name}-error.log"
ns_param Home                   "$aol_home"
ns_param StackSize              "500000"
if { $use_acs == 1 } {
    ns_param auxconfigdir       "${acs_home}/parameters"
ns_param MaxKeepAlive           "0"

ns_section "ns/threads"
ns_param SystemScope            "On"

ns_section "ns/server/${service_short_name}"
ns_param PageRoot               "${acs_home}/www"
ns_param DirectoryFile          "index.adp,index.tcl,index.html,index.htm"
ns_param Webmaster              "$service_email"
ns_param NoticeBgColor          "#ffffff"
if { $use_tcl == 1 } {
    ns_param EnableTclPages     "On"
ns_param NotFoundResponse       "/global/file-not-found.html"
ns_param ServerBusyResponse     "/global/busy.html"
ns_param ServerInternalErrorResponse "/global/error.html"
ns_param MaxThreads             "50"
ns_param MaxBusyThreads         "20"
ns_param MaxWait                "2"

ns_section "ns/server/${service_short_name}/adp"
ns_param Map                    "/*.adp"

# Database parameters

if { ![string equal $database_type "none"] } { 
    ns_section "ns/db/drivers"
    ns_param "$database_type"     "$database_driver"

    ns_section "ns/db/pools"
    ns_param main                 "main"
    ns_param subquery             "subquery"
    ns_param log                  "log"
    ns_section "ns/db/pool/main"
    ns_param MaxIdle              "1000000000"
    ns_param MaxOpen              "1000000000"
    ns_param Driver               "$database_type"
    ns_param Connections          "4"
    ns_param DataSource           "$service_database_datasource"
    ns_param User                 "$service_database_username"
    ns_param Password             "$service_database_password"
    ns_param Verbose              "On"
    ns_param ExtendedTableInfo    "On"

    ns_section "ns/db/pool/subquery"
    ns_param MaxIdle              "1000000000"
    ns_param MaxOpen              "1000000000"
    ns_param Driver               "$database_type"
    ns_param Connections          "4"
    ns_param DataSource           "$service_database_datasource"
    ns_param User                 "$service_database_username"
    ns_param Password             "$service_database_password"
    ns_param Verbose              "On"
    ns_param ExtendedTableInfo    "On"

    ns_section "ns/db/pool/log"
    ns_param MaxIdle              "1000000000"
    ns_param MaxOpen              "1000000000"
    ns_param Driver               "$database_type"
    ns_param Connections          "3"
    ns_param DataSource           "$service_database_datasource"
    ns_param User                 "$service_database_username"
    ns_param Password             "$service_database_password"
    ns_param Verbose              "On"
    ns_param ExtendedTableInfo    "On"

    ns_section "ns/server/${service_short_name}/db"
    ns_param Pools                "main,subquery,log"
    ns_param DefaultPool          "main"

# Module parameters

ns_section "ns/server/${service_short_name}/module/nslog"
ns_param EnableHostnameLookup   "Off"
ns_param File                   "${aol_home}/log/${service_short_name}.log"
ns_param LogCombined            "On"
ns_param LogRefer               "Off"
ns_param LogUserAgent           "Off"
ns_param MaxBackup              "5"
ns_param RollDay                "*"
ns_param RollFmt                "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M"
ns_param RollHour               "0"
ns_param RollOnSignal           "On"
ns_param RollLog                "On"

ns_section "ns/server/${service_short_name}/module/nsperm"
ns_param Model                  "Small"
ns_param EnableHostnameLookup   "Off"

ns_section "ns/server/${service_short_name}/module/nssock"
ns_param timeout                "120"
ns_param Address                "${service_ip_address}"
ns_param Hostname               "${service_ip_name}"
ns_param Port                   "${service_port}"

if { $use_ssl == 1 } {
    ns_section "ns/server/${service_short_name}/module/nsssl"
    ns_param Address            "${service_ip_address_ssl}"
    ns_param Hostname           "${service_ip_name_ssl}"
    ns_param CertFile           "${aol_home}/servers/${service_short_name}/cert.pem"
    ns_param KeyFile            "${aol_home}/servers/${service_short_name}/key.pem"
    ns_param Port               "${service_port_ssl}"

if { $use_cgi == 1 } {
    ns_section "ns/server/${service_short_name}/module/nscgi" 
    ns_param Map                "GET  /cgi-bin ${acs_home}/cgi-bin"
    ns_param Map                "POST /cgi-bin ${acs_home}/cgi-bin" 
    ns_param Interps            "CGIinterps"

    ns_section "ns/interps/CGIinterps"
    ns_param ".cgi"             "/usr/bin/perl"

if { $use_java == 1 } {
    ns_section "ns/server/${service_short_name}/module/nsjava"
    ns_param EnableJava         "On"
    ns_param VerboseJvm         "Off"
    ns_param LogLevel           "Notice"
    ns_param DestroyJvm         "Off"
    ns_param DisableJITCompiler "Off"
    # This probably needs fixing if you're using java
    ns_param ClassPath          "/usr/local/jdk/jdk118_v1/lib/" 

ns_section "ns/server/${service_short_name}/modules"
ns_param nsperm                 "${aol_home}/bin/"
ns_param nssock                 "${aol_home}/bin/"
ns_param nslog                  "${aol_home}/bin/"
if { $use_ssl == 1 } {
    ns_param nsssl              "${aol_home}/bin/"
if { $use_cgi == 1 } {
    ns_param nscgi              "${aol_home}/bin/"
if { $use_java == 1 } {
    ns_param nsjava             "${aol_home}/bin/"

# Other misc parameters

ns_section "ns/server/${service_short_name}/MimeTypes"
ns_param Default                "text/plain"
ns_param NoExtension            "text/plain"
ns_param ".pcd"                 "image/x-photo-cd"
ns_param ".prc"                 "application/x-pilot"
ns_param ".xls"                 "application/"

ns_section "ns/server/${service_short_name}/tcl"
if { $use_tcl == 1 } {
    ns_param Library            "${acs_home}/tcl"

ns_section "ns/servers"
ns_param "$service_short_name"  "${service_short_description}"

# Load ACS parameters (if you use a *.ini instead of a *.tcl config file, 
# you'll need to change ".tcl" to ".ini" below)

if { $use_acs == 1 } {
    source                      "${acs_home}/parameters/${service_short_name}.tcl"

# Done

ns_log notice                   "nsd.tcl: finished reading config file."