The container class is really a combination of two things I wrote before. I needed a generic storage type that could be indexed and the acs model only stored varchar(4000). Allowing multiple rows per attribute makes the model more flexible. Another feature (or not) is the data can be type checked. The cr_child_rels looks like it can link any object with any other object, perhaps without the parent having prior knowledge of this. The is very useful also but not really the same thing. For example the container model will allow building an XML schema from the matadata because the hierarchy is known at create time, the relations in the cr_child_rels can change dynamically.
It sounds useful, Barry. But we should really look closely at the content repository -- a lot of work has gone into it, and even though it takes a long time to figure out what it's doing, perhaps we should improve or extend that rather than adding in a whole new method of doing things?