Hello again!
At last I have detected where is the problem:
The function is
(the source is below)
This function is VERY,VERY slow and inefficient
when the number of objects is big.
Its behavior implies to all the application.
Please, if you can give a pointer to modify the
code, please email me.
Source code:
set sort [list]
foreach url [nsv_array names site_nodes] {
ns_log Notice $url
lappend sort [list $url [string length $url]]
set sorted [lsort -index 1 $sort]
foreach elm $sorted {
set url [lindex $elm 0]
array unset site_node
array set site_node [site_node::get_from_url \
-url $url]
if { $site_node(object_id) == $object_id } {
return $url
return {}
return [db_list select_url_from_object_id {}]
Subscript: What do the second return? Or is a mistake?
Best regards,