Forum OpenACS Q&A: hostname showing up in weird places

When someone registers on my OpenACS site, I get an email back that
they have registered at  I have grepped through
the entire /web directory and have found no place where I can resolve
this issue.  I think it must be loaded into a table in PostgreSQL
somewhere.  How could I go about finding it?  By the way, thanks to
all the developers for making a wonderful fully open source system.
Posted by Ben Adida on
Oops, that is no good (and I have a feeling I'm the guilty party on that one....)! Check your parameter file in /web/server/parameters/ad.tcl, that is your best bet. I'm surprised your grep didn't find anything...
Well, I had already gone through and changed it in ad.tcl.  But then I realized I may not have restarted the server after I did it.  That was the problem.  Sometimes the solution is a little too easy :).  The good thing is I learned a lot about the source code while looking for the problem.