Forum OpenACS Q&A: Wild respawning of Aolserver 3.1 on Linux 6.2

I added the suggested line(s) to /etc/inittab, but init seems to spawn off multiple copies of Aolserver. I'm aware that the threads are shown individually in ps on linux, but when started on the commandline, I see 4 threads/server. When started in inittab, I see 22 threads/server for just the master! Plus, I'm trying to use nshvr, so multiple postgress connections are being shown for the "slave" servers. The "slave" server (tema-inc) shows 82 threads, and 16 idle pg connections... and growing!

Here's "ps awux" when the "master" and one slave server is started from the commandline:

nsadmin  16469  0.0  1.2  2564 1664 ?        S    18:31   0:00
/mirror/webroot/aol31-vhr/bin/nsd -k -u nsadmin -t /mirror/webroot/ao
nsadmin  16470  0.0  1.2  2564 1664 ?        S    18:31   0:00
/mirror/webroot/aol31-vhr/bin/nsd -k -u nsadmin -t /mirror/webroot/ao
nsadmin  16471  0.0  1.2  2564 1664 ?        S    18:31   0:00
/mirror/webroot/aol31-vhr/bin/nsd -k -u nsadmin -t /mirror/webroot/ao
nsadmin  16472  0.0  1.2  2564 1664 ?        S    18:31   0:00
/mirror/webroot/aol31-vhr/bin/nsd -k -u nsadmin -t /mirror/webroot/ao
nsadmin  16481 17.0  5.3  7804 6812 ?        S    18:41   0:01
/mirror/webroot/aol31-vhr/bin/nsd -k -u nsadmin -t /mirror/webroot/ao
nsadmin  16482  0.0  5.3  7804 6812 ?        S    18:41   0:00
/mirror/webroot/aol31-vhr/bin/nsd -k -u nsadmin -t /mirror/webroot/ao
nsadmin  16483  2.7  5.3  7804 6812 ?        S    18:41   0:00
/mirror/webroot/aol31-vhr/bin/nsd -k -u nsadmin -t /mirror/webroot/ao
nsadmin  16484  0.0  5.3  7804 6812 ?        S    18:41   0:00
/mirror/webroot/aol31-vhr/bin/nsd -k -u nsadmin -t /mirror/webroot/ao
postgres 16485  1.2  1.9  5300 2560 ?        S    18:41   0:00
/usr/bin/postgres localhost nsadmin tema-inc idle
root     16488  0.0  0.7  2548  924 ttyp0    R    18:41   0:00 ps awux

Oddly, I don't get the "respawning too fast" message in /var/log/messages.

This is what I added to /etc/inittab:

#n1:3:respawn:/mirror/webroot/aol31-vhr/bin/nsd -k -u nsadmin -t
#n2:3:respawn:/mirror/webroot/aol31-vhr/bin/nsd -k -s tema-inc -u
nsadmin -t /mirror/webroot/aol31-vhr/nsd.tcl
#n3:3:respawn:/mirror/webroot/aol31-vhr/bin/nsd -k -s pramit -u
nsadmin -t /mirror/webroot/aol31-vhr/nsd.tcl

I'd like to have my servers respawn, but this is too much of a good thing!

Arjun - Maybe you should drop the '-k' from your inittab entries.  It specifies that nsd should kill the running server and continue. That could explain your problem.  Also, you may want to add the '-i' as suggested in the (ACS) docs.


Posted by Arjun Sanyal on
Randy - Adding "-i" appears to have done the trick. Thanks! Silly me, I thought "-i" was the defualt.

Thanks again.