I have some code (not mine, though I'm responsible for it now) which goes through multirow A, and for each record it tries to find a corresponding row in multirow B. It does this via the brute force method - for each new row in multirow A, it starts over at the beginning of multirow B and checks rows until it finds a match, via two nested for loops. A match is determined by comparing the user_id column in both multirows.
This code is running very slowly - almost 10 minutes for about 900 users. Granted I'm working on a pokey system, but still... this is not acceptable. What would be the best (read easiest to code) solution to speed this up? I have looked at the array commands but they don't look like they will help me here.
The actual code, in case the above was not clear, looks like this:
for {set i 1} {$i <= [multirow size phb_all]} {incr i} {
set found_p 0
for {set j 1} {$j <= [multirow size phb_person]} {incr j} {
if {[set phb_all:${i}(def_user_id)] == [set phb_person:${j}(user_id)]} {
set found_p 1
<set up some variables>
if (!$found_p) {
<set up some other variables>