I'm having trouble adding a package parameter to dotlrn-syllabus.
Dotlrn-syllabus is a package type in table 'apm_package_types' but not an instantiated package because it is not in table 'apm_packages'.
If I add a parameter in file dotlrn-syllabus.info, a record is added to table 'dotlrn_parameters' along with the value as the default value.
However, no record is added to table 'apm_parameter_values' since there is no package instance.
If dotlrn-syllabus/syllabus-portlet has no real associated package but uses the file-storage package and is never instantiated as a package, how can I set (and refer to) package parameters?
I have been using the 'parameter::get_from_package_key' proc that uses the package_key to look up the package_id and then the parameter value.
Is there a recommended practice other that writing a new function to look into the default value in table 'apm_parameters'? If I do write a new function, is this good soft eng practise?