I will be interested in participating if there are some who would like to work on the user interface or other issues that concern the .LRN UAB. I'd like to do some strategic thinking on interface design, or what I'm learning now might better be called, after Alan Cooper, interaction design. I' also like to work on a specific portlet, such as the forums, beginning, say, with an exploration of how others have done it, determining what a "best in class" forum might be, and then working systematically from top to bottom, from interface down through openacs logic and postgre/oracle database design, so I might better understand the openacs architecture, which is new to me, and how the experienced programmers relate to it. If a couple people are interested in something like this, the bug bash format would be a great place to do it as we could then bother those with more experience to explain what is going on. I was so impressed with the way Joel organized the testing group in Berlin that I think a project with some planning beforehand is the way to go, so, let's hash it out a bit here! Since some of us are trying to develop the .LRN User Advisory Board, I'd also be interested in playing the guinea pig for those working on other portlets, playing a "I'll give you my 2 cents opinion" role. Maybe we could arrange a chat with other members of the UAB and gain a little practice integrating the UAB in the design process. Any one of these projects would be enough for me!