Forum OpenACS Q&A: cvs merge question

Posted by tammy m on

If I'm merging fixes from test branch back to my dev trunk, shouldn't files I added on test branch show up in my dev copy afterward?!

Here's the scenario. I added some new files to my test branch. I added and committed them to cvs. But when I look at them I see this:

[tammy@or-test] cvs status www/global/file-not-found.adp 
File: file-not-found.adp        Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision: Fri Nov 21 18:18:20 2003
   Repository revision: /cvsroot/openacs/www/global/Attic/file-not-found.adp,v
   Sticky Tag:          release-2003-11-18__branch (branch: 1.1.2)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      (none)
It doesn't appear added, but deleted? Maybe I am reading it wrong, so I continue... But when I tag the fixes ( cvs tag release-2003-11-18__fixes-1 ) and then merge them to the dev trunk ( cvs up -R -kk -j release-2003-11-18__fixes-1 ), I still don't see the file on the dev trunk:(

[tammy@openacs-dev] cvs status www/global/file-not-found.adp
cvs [status aborted]: no such directory `www/global'

And as another weirdness (or not?), when I did the cvs up -R -kk -j release-2003-11-18__fixes-1 to merge/update my dev trunk, I got U in the output preceding every file name. Shouldn't I see U's preceding only files that were changed on the test branch?

Help?! tia

2: Re: cvs merge question (response to 1)
Posted by Nis Jørgensen on
For why your file shows up in the Attic:

It doesn't exist on the main branch

For why it doesn't appear after the merge:

You forgot to update -d, and the www/global directory didn't exist/is empty on the trunk
