Forum OpenACS Q&A: Nested set solution (cont.)

Posted by Sebastian Skracic on

    UPDATE is slightly complicated. I don't know why BEFORE trigger did not produce correct results, so I switched to AFTER trigger which rectified the problem. One interesting bit is that you cannot use new.l_node and new.r_node since they can be obsoleted by UPDATE statements issued by the trigger itself. Anyway, I didn't optimize anything so it might be worth tuning this little bit to reduce the amount of UPDATEs.

    create function nested_set_update_node () returns opaque as '
        rightmost_node    acs_object_types.r_node%TYPE;
        nested_set_width  acs_object_types.r_node%TYPE;
        shift_offset      acs_object_types.r_node%TYPE;
        parent_row        acs_object_types%ROWTYPE;
        this_row          acs_object_types%ROWTYPE;
        --  We cannot use new.l_node and new.r_node since they can
        --  be superseded by bunch of UPDATEs in this very trigger
        --  (this happens if the trigger fires on more than 1 row).
        --  So we retrieve the actual value of l_node and r_node with this:
        select * into this_row
            from acs_object_types
            where object_type = new.object_type;
        --  We have to rearrange nodes only if supertype has been changed.
        --  This leads to 3 cases:
        --    1.  supertype changes from NOT NULL to NULL
        --    2.  supertype changes from NULL to something NOT NULL
        --    3.  supertype changes from one NOT NULL value to another
        if old.supertype = new.supertype then
            return new;
        end if;
        if old.supertype is null and new.supertype is null then
            return new;
        end if;
        --  In any case we must shift entire subset out of its parent
        --  and put it to the right of the rightmost node, to prevent
        --  it from being overwritten by node adjustments.
        select max(r_node) into rightmost_node from acs_object_types;
        nested_set_width := this_row.r_node - this_row.l_node + 1;
        shift_offset := rightmost_node + 1 - this_row.l_node;
        --  Shift nested subset out of its parent.
        update acs_object_types
            set l_node = l_node + shift_offset,
                r_node = r_node + shift_offset
            where l_node >= this_row.l_node
              and r_node <= this_row.r_node;
        --  It''s good to know that the [this_row.l_node,this_row.r_node] interval
        --  is now not occupied by nodes.
        --  Case 1)
        if old.supertype is not null and new.supertype is null then
            --  Since we have already lifted our subset out of its
            --  position, we will simply renumber the nodes to fill the gaps.
            update acs_object_types
                set l_node = l_node - nested_set_width
                where l_node > this_row.r_node;
            update acs_object_types
                set r_node = r_node - nested_set_width
                where r_node > this_row.r_node;
            return new;
        end if;
        --  Case 2) and 3)
        if new.supertype is not null then
            --  The tricky part here is that we must pay attention whether
            --  the gap is to the left or to the right of inserting point.
            select * into parent_row
                from acs_object_types
                where object_type = new.supertype;
                parent_row.l_node, parent_row.r_node;
            --  Where will this subset be moved?
            if parent_row.r_node < this_row.l_node then
                --  Gap is to the right of inserting point
                update acs_object_types set
                    l_node = l_node + nested_set_width
                    where l_node > parent_row.r_node
                    and l_node < this_row.l_node ;
                update acs_object_types set
                    r_node = r_node + nested_set_width
                    where r_node >= parent_row.r_node
                    and r_node < this_row.l_node ;
                --  Place the subset under its new parent
                shift_offset := rightmost_node + 1 - parent_row.r_node;
                --  The gap is to the LEFT of inserting point
                update acs_object_types set
                    l_node = l_node - nested_set_width
                    where l_node <= parent_row.l_node
                    and l_node > this_row.r_node ;
                update acs_object_types set
                    r_node = r_node - nested_set_width
                    where r_node < parent_row.l_node
                    and r_node > this_row.r_node ;
                shift_offset := rightmost_node + nested_set_width - parent_row.l_node;      
            end if;
            update acs_object_types set
                r_node = r_node - shift_offset,
                l_node = l_node - shift_offset
                where l_node > rightmost_node ;
            return new;
        end if;
        return new;
    ' language 'plpgsql';
    create trigger nested_set_update_tr after update
      on acs_object_types for each row
      execute procedure nested_set_update_node() ;