I've just committed this change to the CVS tree, thanks.
The history is that the original Oracle query, stripped to the bit relevant to this bug, did this:
select fsf2.parent_title from fs_files fsf1, fs_files fsf2
where fsf1.parent_id = fsf2.file_id(+)
The outer join is used to return NULL as the file parent's title if the file is at the root-level of the hierarchy.
Since pre-7.1 PG doesn't have outer joins, this query was split into two:
select fsf1.parent_id from fs_files fsf1, fs_files fsf2
where fsf1.file_id = $file_id
followed by:
set parent_title [database_to_tcl_string_or_null $db "
select parent_title from fs_files where file_id = $parent_id"]
Whichever of us did it forgot to remove the second reference to fs_files when removing the outer join, resulting in a cross-join on fsf1, fsf2.