Hi Lars, forgiveness for asking to much,
this is a portion of the script that I want to pass parameters
if { [string equal $keyword {}] } {
if { ! [ string compare $sql1 "no"] } {
set display "doc_list"
set band4 "12"
element set_error func_search error2_search " Por favor introduzca su busqueda"
} else {
# past of parameter to prueba_list_builder?
template::forward prueba_list_builder?sql1=$sql1
#This is the code for the prueba_list_builder
ad_page_contract {
} {
request create -params {
sql1 -datatype text -optional
if { ! [request is_valid] } { return }
set sql1 $sql1
list::create -name users \
-multirow users \
-key num_sec \
-pass_properties { sql1 } \
-page_size 10 \
-page_query { select num_sec from procadm.t_normas where $sql1} \
-elements {
num_sec {
display_template {<table width="800" border="0" cellspacing="6" cellpadding="6"><tr><td width="2%" valign="top" align="center"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#FF0000" size="3"><b><img src="puntero.gif" width="17" height="17"></b></font></td><td width="96%" valign="top" align="justify">@sql1@<br>@users.desc_norma@ @users.num_norma@ de @users.anio_gac@<br>Número de Gaeta: @users.num_gaceta@<br>Autoridad: @users.desc_autoridad@<br>TÃtulo: @users.titulo@</td></tr></table> }
set query "select a.num_sec num_sec, num_gaceta,to_char(fecha_gaceta,'yyyy') anio_gac, a.norma, desc_norma, num_norma, titulo, cod_autoridad,
desc_autoridad \
from procadm.t_normas a, procadm.t_tipo_norma b,procadm.t_autoridad c where $sql1 and \
a.norma=b.num_sec and
a.cod_autoridad=c.num_sec and
a.num_sec in ([template::list::page_get_ids -name users])"
db_multirow users users_query $query
the view showme the value of variable for the first page but when I past to the second the variable lost the value