Based on feedback from users and redesign thoughts, the package
installer of the APM is slated for an overhaul. A proposed
requirements document is available:
kernel/apm/installer-requirements.html. It is currently agnostic
on the issue of database interaction. The system itself should not
need to do any database commands, but simply provide a framework for
other developers to issue those commands and call APIs in other
systems that touch the database.
However, this would be a good project to implement the necessary glue
so that APM packaes with PostgreSQL SQL and Oracle SQL can work
together. I would appreciate thoughts at the requirements level at
this time. If anyone wants to help with the design or
implementation, I'd appreciate that even more.
The Tcl implementation of this system should be 100% pure
Tcl with no SQL or Oracle dependencies. A goal I have for
the system is that it work in both ACS 4.0 and OpenACS 4.0. I would
like to make it completely open-source in its development process.
If you are interested in contributing to the design and
implementation of the system, please email me letting me know. I'll
setup a public CVS repository with commit rights to those on the
team. I will own the requirements document and reserve the right to
review and reject any commits.