Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: graphic of oacs kernel/core data model?

Posted by Bruno Mattarollo on

Hello David,

If you have OpenACS installed, you could try to get the free version of DB Visualizer, a Java-based application that allows to graph db schemas (it supports both PGSQL and Oracle, among other DB's).

Hope this helps,


Posted by Randy O'Meara on
Bruno, could you expand a bit on "the free version"? It's not clear from the product page that there is a free version. However, the License link does mention the free version.


Posted by Nagita Karunaratne on
I tried DB Visualizer (on RH8) some time ago and it has a very slick UI but I was was unable to print any significant portion of the datamodel in a form that was readable. You may have better luck.

Then I tried DataArchitect (from thekompany) which did print but does not look as good initially. If you ask it to show the entire 'core' datamodel it doesn't arrange the tables very neatly so you have to spend some moving tables around and grouping them.

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Hi Randy, should answer your questions. If you download it and don't give it a license key it silently assumes it is the free version.
Posted by Joel Aufrecht on

This covers part of the kernel - users and some of objects and cr.  It was built with dia, which can output png or pdf.  There are tools that autogenerate dia from sql schemas, but there's still a lot of manual work to make them pretty.