I had made a portal table using the news module and hsd successfully
genrated a news page. But when i try to edit the table and preview it
the openacs returns an server error. The error log is
Error: The entry for group_id, "" is not an integer
The entry for group_id, "" is not an integer
while executing
"error "The entry for $field_name, "$string" is not an integer""
invoked from within
"if { ![regexp {^[0-9]+$} $string] } {
error "The entry for $field_name, "$string" is not an
(procedure "validate_integer" line 2)
invoked from within
"validate_integer group_id $group_id"
(file "/web/iig.org.in/www/portals/admin/edit-table-2.tcl"
line 16)
invoked from within
"source $ad_conn(file)"
invoked from within
"if { $extension == ".tcl" } {
# Tcl file - use source.
source $ad_conn(file)
} elseif { $extension == ".adp" } {
# ADP file - parse and return ..."
(procedure "ad_handle_abstract_url" line 65)
invoked from within
"ad_handle_abstract_url cns48 {}"
Notice: Querying 'select ad_group_member_p(1,
system_administrator_group_id()) from dual;'"
Is it an adp parse error or else how can i see an edited table in the