Forum OpenACS Q&A: Trouble approving news items

Posted by James Harris on
I have installed Open ACS using the Apache / Postgres / Open ACS
rpms.  Most of the site seems to be working well, but I cannot
approve news items.  Whenever I go to news admin and try to toggle
the status of an article, the page seems to load for an infinite time
and nothing happens.

It seems as if the database deadlocks while trying to do the update.

Has anyone else run in to this problem?

Posted by Don Baccus on
Hmmmm...weird.  Does the log file show anything?
Posted by James Harris on

The Apache error.log doesn't seem to show any errors. This is the last message in the log.

[Sat Dec 16 13:27:05 2000] [notice] [client] [uri: /admin/news/toggle-approved-p.tcl]
   Querying 'update news_items set approval_state =
 case when approval_state= 'approved' then 'disapproved'::varchar
      else 'approved'::varchar end,
approval_user = 3, approval_date = sysdate(), approval_ip_address = '' where news_item_id
 = 100003;'
Posted by Don Baccus on
Bizarre ... there's no reason why the database should be hanging on a
lock for that statement if you've got a quiescent system (and it
shouldn't hang forever regardless).

I may have time to look into news (which I originally ported long ago)
over the weekend, in an AOLserver context...