Forum OpenACS Q&A: using the xml-module

Posted by Mike Clark on
Can anyone point me toward or email some functional example source
code for using the xml-module? I've gotten it installed, but there
are virtually no docs included. I think I have it parsing a document
correctly, but can't figure out how to retrieve the "node/element"
name from a given node id.
Posted by Krzysztof Kowalczyk on
If you mean module (either from AOLserver CVS or ArsDigita downloads) I have a preliminary doc that covers the basics and has small example. E-mail me if that's what you're after.

If I'm reading your question correctly, you need to use:

ns_xml node name $node_id
ns_xml node type $node_id
name is the node name, type is the node type (e.g., "attribute" etc.)