Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: How to expire session on the server side?

Posted by Dave Bauer on
The cookies are sent on every request. As long as the request requires login, the cookie with be compared with the users token and the cookie will be invalid and they will be required to login again.
Posted by Dave Bauer on

Phew! I that I was going crazy.

        if { $session_expr - [sec_session_renew] < [ns_time] } {

            # LARS: We abandoned the use of sec_login_handler here. This lets people stay logged in forever                                                    
            # if only they keep requesting pages frequently enough, but the alternative was that                                                                
            # the situation where LoginTimeout = 0 (infinte) and the user unchecks the "Remember me" checkbox                                                  
            # would cause users' sessions to expire as soon as the session needed to be renewed                                                                

This code breaks the sec_change_user_auth_token because it never checks the login auth_token if your session has not expired.

So I lose :) But it is a bug in the sec_handler not in sec_change_user_auth_token. I suggest we fix this instead of some magic code that runs on a future request.