Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Trouble getting SSL to work on port 8443

Posted by Janine Ohmer on
Ok, since apparently no-on else has any ideas either, let me rephrase the question.  Has anyone been able to get nsopenssl to work on port 8443 with a self-signed certificate?  I've never tried it before, so I might be trying to make something work that never has.
Posted by Bart Teeuwisse on

the certificate doesn't care about ports one way or another. I've used (self-signed) certificate with a number of different ports.


Posted by Bruno Mattarollo on

I am running AOLServer 4.1, nsopenssl 3.0 beta 17, RHEL 3.0 and I tried port 8443 and it works fine for me with a self-signed certificate. Just thought I would let you know. I agree with Bart that the certificate and the port have no relationship ... But maybe it's a question of the configuration .. even though, this sounds strange indeed...

Just my 2 cents
