Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Trouble getting SSL to work on port 8443

Posted by Dirk Gomez on
nsopenssl 2.1 works fine here on a non-privileged port!

I have another question regarding nsopenssl and this thread may be a good place to ask. What is the cause of this error message:

NsOpenSSLCreateConn failed

Posted by Efi Sealman on
This is relevant to the previous problem. In theory, you can use port 8443 in order to run SSL, but in the real life it makes problems. So don't try to use any port except port 443 in order to run SSL.


Posted by Andrew Piskorski on
Efi, to what problems are you referring? I've used OpenACS and SSL, with nsopenssl and a self-signed certificate, on both port 8443 and other non-privileged ports. It works fine.
Posted by Efi Sealman on
Sorry, wrong respond number. I respond to 1. Anyway I didn't say that you cannot run it on different ports.