could you provide a link to the #openacs log discussing CEDET? OpenACS search is failing me. Anyhow, Emacs OACS already works with speedbar. Install speedbar and you can browse SQL functions or TCL procedures w/ speedbar.
Speedbar is not required. An index to function/procedure definitions is already available from the Index menu using stock Emacs OACS.
I personally lack the time to investigate integration with CEDET or any of the other EMACS programmer utilities (http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/CategoryProgrammerUtils) such as the Emacs Code Browser (http://ecb.sourceforge.net/). All Lisp hacker contributions are welcome. Just mirror the GNU Archive of Emacs OACS (see http://www.thecodemill.biz/services//oacs/) and hack at it!