I have a solution for including comments on ADP's and it also handles the abstract_url issue:
- set your nsd.tcl file to parse .html pages as ADP pages.
- modify ad_serve_html_page (in ad-html.tcl):
#set stream [open $full_filename r]
#set whole_page [read $stream]
#close $stream
set whole_page [ns_adp_parse -file $full_filename]
Note: My ad_serve_html_page proc serves up a custom header and footer (no need for ad_header or ad_footer) -- titles and meta data are coded in the html/adp page.
- Save/convert your .adp files to .html -- here is a script that does this:
# copies .adp files to .html
for file in *.adp ; do
cp $file ${file%.adp}.html
- sync your database
I have this working at http://james.jamesthornton.com:8888 (let me know if it doesn't work -- I may have missed a step).
If you already serve up a custom header and footer with ad_serve_html_page, then you will probably get doubles for adp pages that use ad_header and ad_footer.
I had this working without modifying nsd.tcl to parse .html files as ADPs, but it did not work with abstract URLs (abstract URLs worked fine for HTML pages).