My preference is to have bugs assigned to someone who has
some intent to work on them since otherwise people will
think the assignee is working on them actively and won't pick them up (or worse the submitter will think someone
is working on it and won't push to get the important ones
fixed). Having a
bug assigned should mean something and with someone like
Lars with 82 assigned bugs, it doesn't (not that it says
anything bad about Lars, it's just not realistic to think
that he is working on anything like that many bugs since
he has plenty of other things on his plate as well).
I am not sure who is nominally the "maintainer" at this point, but it's sort of a moot point. The best thing you
can do rather than assign the bugs by fiat to someone, is
to advocate for which ones you think should be fixed.
Looking at the forums bugs specifically, there are some that are in
the "it would be nice, but its hard (22)" category, the "important, but hard (1338,1474)" category, and the "it would be nice, its easy, but no one has found the time (1263,1262,1120)" category.
I would think it shouldn't be to hard to drum up some interest in fixing the important but quite easy usuability things Bruce and others brought up. It would make a big
difference for forums I think.